Salut, iata ca a sosit si 2018, La multi Ani!! Sa fiti sanatosi, multe realizari si tot ce puneti in plan sa va indeplineasca, multumesc mult pentru suportul acordat pe canalul meu in 2017, pentru mine 2017 a fost un an bun. Anul nou si pace in casele voastre si in familiile voastre, numi bine.
duminică, 31 decembrie 2017
vineri, 29 decembrie 2017
Placă de încălzire pentru germinarea semintelor
Salut, am comandat o Placă de încălzire de pe aliexpress care ajuta la germinarea semitelor, placa se incalzeste si in asa fel semintele germineaza si cresc mai repede. Si sunt bucuros ca functioneaza.
miercuri, 20 decembrie 2017
Am impodobit Banaierii , Orhideea si alte plante
Salut, :) Mi-a venit o idee spontana sa impodobesc bananierii, orhideele, si alte plante care le cresc, si mi-a esit destul de frumos, toata lumea ca de obicei impodobeste bradul de sarbatori dar eu am impodobit bananierii :D Dar oricum sa ai un brad de craciun tot e foarte bine dar sa nu fie artificial, apreciez cand miroase a brad in casa. Sarbatori fericite si Vizionare placuta.
duminică, 17 decembrie 2017
KIWI - Un nou inceput | Plantarea semintelor
Salut, iarasi am decis sa plantez kiwi din seminte, doresc sa fac un experiment si sa cultiv kiwi direct in pamant, si am cumparat niste fructe, am extras semintele si le-am pus la germinat, sper sa germineze. Daca vor germina voi face un video update, vizionare placuta.
sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017
Gicu planteaza Mango - Cum sa plantezi mango din sambure
Salut, am decis sa plantez mango din samanta, multi dintre voi mi-ati sugerat sa fac un video cum sa plantez mango din seminte, si iata ca am cumparat un mango, am scos foarte atent coaja de protectie si l-am plantat intr-un recipient pe un servetel, am umezit putin servetelul. Sper sa ii mearga bine mai departe. voi filma update.
Hello, I decided to plant mango from the seed, many of you suggested me to make a video about how to plant mango from seeds, and here I bought a mango, I carefully removed the bark and planted it. in a container on a napkin, I moistened the napkin a little. I hope he will go well for them. I will be filming the update.
Hello, I decided to plant mango from the seed, many of you suggested me to make a video about how to plant mango from seeds, and here I bought a mango, I carefully removed the bark and planted it. in a container on a napkin, I moistened the napkin a little. I hope he will go well for them. I will be filming the update.
miercuri, 13 decembrie 2017
Bananierii mei in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut, azi am sa va arat colectia mea de bananieri in decembrie 2017, in aceasta perioada a anului nu au crescut mult, dar oricum sunt unele soiuri care cresc chiar daca e mai rece putin, la moment am 7 varietati, ultimul soi obtinut este Musa Velutina, si am reusit sa fac sa germineze, se pare ca semintele erau bune. Vizionare placuta.
Hello, today I will show you my banana collection in December 2017, during this time of the year have not grown much, but anyway there are some varieties that grow even if it is colder little, at the moment I have 7 varieties, the last variety is Musa Velutina , and I managed to germinate, it seems that the seeds were good. Enjoy.
Hello, today I will show you my banana collection in December 2017, during this time of the year have not grown much, but anyway there are some varieties that grow even if it is colder little, at the moment I have 7 varieties, the last variety is Musa Velutina , and I managed to germinate, it seems that the seeds were good. Enjoy.
marți, 12 decembrie 2017
Plantele mele in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut :) Deja suntem in Decembrie 2017, si plantele mele se simt foarte bine in aceasta perioada a anului, si serialul plantele mele continua, am sa va arat cum s-au dezvoltat toate plantele mele, De crescut nu au crescut mult dar sunt unele cu flori interesante si da... Deasemenea astazi este o zi speciala pentru ca am implinit 3 ani de Youtube si va multumesc la toti pentru suport. 12 decembrie ziua canalului meu :) Vizionare placuta.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Plantele mele in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut :) Deja suntem in Decembrie 2017, si plantele mele se simt foarte bine in aceasta perioada a anului, si serialul plantele mele continua, am sa va arat cum s-au dezvoltat toate plantele mele, De crescut nu au crescut mult dar sunt unele cu flori interesante si da... Deasemenea astazi este o zi speciala pentru ca am implinit 3 ani de Youtube si va multumesc la toti pentru suport. 12 decembrie ziua canalului meu :) Vizionare placuta.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
duminică, 29 octombrie 2017
Ingrijire Kiwi in sezonul rece
Salut. Hai in acest video sa acordam atentie la Kiwi cel care l-am obtinut din seminte in 2016. Si va explic cum il ingrijim in sezonul rece, cum se comporta. Kiwi a crescut normal in sezonul cald, si tocmai azi i-am pus un sprijin si am mai adaugat putin substrat in ghiveci. Vizionare placuta :)
Hello. In this video, let's pay attention to the Kiwi that we got from the seed in 2016. And I'll explain how to care for it in the cold season, and how it behaves. Kiwi grew normally during the warm season, and today I have put a support on it and add some substrate. Enjoy :)
Hello. In this video, let's pay attention to the Kiwi that we got from the seed in 2016. And I'll explain how to care for it in the cold season, and how it behaves. Kiwi grew normally during the warm season, and today I have put a support on it and add some substrate. Enjoy :)
joi, 19 octombrie 2017
Cum sa faci un Terrarium
Salut. In acest video am creat un nou terrarium, deci nu departe de mine am gasit muschi si am decis sa fac un video cum sa faci terrarium, pe langa muschiul ala cre l-am pus in terrarium sper sa mai creasca si alte plante :) Sper sa fie viata in terrarium si vom vedea.
Hello. In this video I created a new terrarium, so not far from me I found moss and I decided to make a video how to make a terrarium. Besides the moss that I put it in the terrarium I hope to grow other plants :) I hope to be life in the terrarium, and we will see.
Hello. In this video I created a new terrarium, so not far from me I found moss and I decided to make a video how to make a terrarium. Besides the moss that I put it in the terrarium I hope to grow other plants :) I hope to be life in the terrarium, and we will see.
luni, 2 octombrie 2017
Am mutat bananierii in casa
Salut, Bananierii care cresteau direct in pamant i-am scos si i-am plantat in ghivece pe timp de iarna, Bananierii vor ierna in casa, si la primavara iarasi ii voi muta in pamant direct. Au crescut mari, s-au dezvoltat foarte bine.
hello, I pulled the planted bananas directly into the ground and planted them in pots during the winter, Bananas will winter in the house, but I will move again in the spring directly into the ground. They grew big, they developed very well.
hello, I pulled the planted bananas directly into the ground and planted them in pots during the winter, Bananas will winter in the house, but I will move again in the spring directly into the ground. They grew big, they developed very well.
joi, 21 septembrie 2017
Replantare Hoya
Salut. Am ceva timp de cand am cumparat o planta pe nume Hoya, daca nu gresesc. Si planta a mai crescut si are boboci de flori rosii. eu am decis sa o replantez intr-un ghiveci frumos, si vom vedea cum va creste mai departe.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
Replantare Hoya
Salut. Am ceva timp de cand am cumparat o planta pe nume Hoya, daca nu gresesc. Si planta a mai crescut si are boboci de flori rosii. eu am decis sa o replantez intr-un ghiveci frumos, si vom vedea cum va creste mai departe.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
marți, 19 septembrie 2017
Physalis crescut din seminte
Salut. Astazi va voi arata o planta Physalis care am crescut-o din seminte, am plantat semintele la inceput de aprilie in 2017. In perioada verii a crescut foarte bine.
Hello. Today I will show you a Physalis plant that I grown from seed, planted the seeds at the beginning of April in 2017. During the summer it grew very well.
Hello. Today I will show you a Physalis plant that I grown from seed, planted the seeds at the beginning of April in 2017. During the summer it grew very well.
duminică, 17 septembrie 2017
Flori frumoase care cresc in natura - Explorez Natura
Salut. Mai exploram putin natura si cautam flori care cresc in natura. am gasit niste flori foarte frumoase, poate ca sunt utilizate in medicina, insa sunt foarte frumoase dupa parerea mea, si am decis sa fac o serie de acest gen de video, puneti like la video si vom continua explorarea.
Hello. We explore nature a little and we are looking for flowers that grow in nature. I found some beautiful flowers, maybe they are used in medicine, but they are very beautiful in my opinion, and I decided to make a series of this kind of video, give like to video and we will continue exploring.
Hello. We explore nature a little and we are looking for flowers that grow in nature. I found some beautiful flowers, maybe they are used in medicine, but they are very beautiful in my opinion, and I decided to make a series of this kind of video, give like to video and we will continue exploring.
luni, 4 septembrie 2017
Bananierii cumparati de pe Ebay s-au prins si cresc
Salut. Bananierii pe care i-am cumparat de pe ebay au cresteri noi. Atunci am comandat din Germania, am comandat Musa Basjoo si Musa Nagensium. Si s-au prins si au inceput a creste frumos.
Hello. The banana plants that I bought from ebay have new growths. Then I ordered from Germany, ordered Musa Basjoo and Musa Nagensium. And they survived and started to grow nicely.
Hello. The banana plants that I bought from ebay have new growths. Then I ordered from Germany, ordered Musa Basjoo and Musa Nagensium. And they survived and started to grow nicely.
duminică, 3 septembrie 2017
Rosie de 3 metri inaltime | A spart acoperisul serei
Salut. Un rasad de rosie a crescut intr-atat ca a spart acoperisul serei, si a crescut cam 3 metri dupa parerea mea. Sunt aici intr-o sera de rosii.
Hello. A tomato plant was grow so much that it broke the roof of the greenhouse, and it grew about three meters in my opinion. I'm here in a tomato greenhouse.
Hello. A tomato plant was grow so much that it broke the roof of the greenhouse, and it grew about three meters in my opinion. I'm here in a tomato greenhouse.
vineri, 4 august 2017
Am cumparat Pelargonium | Replantare Pelargonium
Salut. Ceva timp in urma am cumparat o planta Pelargonium. Si o afisez abia acum, deasemenea am replantat-o intr-un ghiveci mai mare, pentru a fi mai frumoasa.
Hello. Some time ago I bought a Pelargonium plant. And now, I'll show you, and I've replanted it in a bigger pot to make it prettier.
Hello. Some time ago I bought a Pelargonium plant. And now, I'll show you, and I've replanted it in a bigger pot to make it prettier.
luni, 31 iulie 2017
Am plantat Paulownia Tomentosa in pamant direct
Salut :) Am decis sa plantez arborii de Paulownia Tomentosa in pamant direct, arborii sunt crescuti din seminte, sper sa se dezvolte bine in pamant direct.
Hello :) I decided to plant Paulownia tomentosa trees directly in the ground, trees are grown from seed, hope to develop well intro the ground.
Hello :) I decided to plant Paulownia tomentosa trees directly in the ground, trees are grown from seed, hope to develop well intro the ground.
joi, 20 iulie 2017
Facem dulceata de coacaze si Agresi
Salut. In acest video facem o dulceata din Coacaza si Agresi pentru iarna, sper sa nu buhneasca nici un borcan, La iarna dulceata va fi buna si foarte sanatoasa.
Hello. In this video we make a currant jam for the winter. I hope will not jumping any cap. In the winter, the sweet will be good and very healthy.
Hello. In this video we make a currant jam for the winter. I hope will not jumping any cap. In the winter, the sweet will be good and very healthy.
duminică, 9 iulie 2017
Experimentul cu Avocado continua | Plantarea in ghiveci
Salut :) Ceva timp in urma am pus in apa un sambure de avocado, si am avut rabdare sa astep pana a facut radacini si a inceput a creste, si in acest video il plantez intr-un ghiveci.
Hello :) Some time ago I put an avocado stick in the water, and I had the patience to wait until it made roots and started to grow, and in this video I plant it in a pot.
Hello :) Some time ago I put an avocado stick in the water, and I had the patience to wait until it made roots and started to grow, and in this video I plant it in a pot.
Am cumparat un Bananaier Musa Nagensium
Salut. Eu am mai cumparat inca un soi de bananier, la moment am deja 6 soiuri de bananieri si ii adun la colectia mea pentru ca imi place aceste plante cu frunzele late, sunt foarte frumosi toti. Si acesta se numeste Musa Nagensium.
Hello. I bought another kind of banana plant, at the moment I have already six varieties of banana plant and I collect themthem in my collection because I love these plants with wide leaves are all very beautiful. And this is called Musa Nagensium.
Hello. I bought another kind of banana plant, at the moment I have already six varieties of banana plant and I collect themthem in my collection because I love these plants with wide leaves are all very beautiful. And this is called Musa Nagensium.
luni, 3 iulie 2017
Kiwi si-a revenit
Salut. Si-a revenit Kiwi care l-am plantat din seminte in 2016. nu a avut cresteri noi mai mult de jumate de an, si eu credeam ca se uscase, dar in pana la urma si-a revenit. Si acum arata foarte sanatos si frumos.
Hello. Kiwi came back and I planted the seeds in 2016. We did not have new growths for more than half a year, and I thought it was dying. But eventually it recovered. And now looks very healthy and beautiful.
Hello. Kiwi came back and I planted the seeds in 2016. We did not have new growths for more than half a year, and I thought it was dying. But eventually it recovered. And now looks very healthy and beautiful.
duminică, 2 iulie 2017
My Grafted lemon tree in bloom
Salut. Am un lamai altoit care l-am cumparat in iunie 2012 si infloreste in fiecare an, si am decis sa fac un filmulet sa va arat cum arata florile, sper sa faca fruct. Acesta este un hibrid si este numit Limonella
Hello. I have a grafted lemon that I bought in June 2012 and blooms every year, and I decided to make a movie to show you how the flowers look, I hope to make fruit. This is a hybrid and is called Limonella.
Hello. I have a grafted lemon that I bought in June 2012 and blooms every year, and I decided to make a movie to show you how the flowers look, I hope to make fruit. This is a hybrid and is called Limonella.
miercuri, 28 iunie 2017
Am cumparat un Bananier Musa Basjoo de la Nemti
Am cumparat un bananier nou, colectia mea de bananieri se largeste., Si am comandat acest bananier de pe ebay din Germania. Si a venit foarte repede in conditii bune.
I bought a new banana plant, my banana collection is expanding, and I ordered this banana from ebay from Germany. And it came very quickly in good conditions.
I bought a new banana plant, my banana collection is expanding, and I ordered this banana from ebay from Germany. And it came very quickly in good conditions.
duminică, 18 iunie 2017
Repotting Magnolias from seed
Salut :) Iata ca a venit timpul sa replantam Magnoliile care le-am obtinut din seminte, sunt undeva 10 magnolii germinate si au crescut putin, si le replantam in ghivece putin mai mari.
Hello :) it's time to replant the Magnolias that I have grown from the seed, there are some 10 germinating magnolias and they grow a little, and we replant them in some bigger pots.
Hello :) it's time to replant the Magnolias that I have grown from the seed, there are some 10 germinating magnolias and they grow a little, and we replant them in some bigger pots.
joi, 15 iunie 2017
Plantare Strelitia -Pasarea Paradisului din seminte
Salut, am descoperit o planta foarte interesata se numeste Strelitia, la frunze asemanatoare cu bananierii si este foarte frumoasa, floarea are forma unei pasari. Sper sa germineze semintele pe care le-am plantat.
Hello, I discovered a very interested plant is called Strelitzia :) on leaves is similar to banana plants and is very beautiful, the flower has the shape of a bird. I hope to germinate seeds that we planted.
luni, 12 iunie 2017
I bought a book: Journal of an Irish Garden
Salut :) Am cumparat o carte despre gradinarit si este scrisa de Rachel Darlington, cartea este in engleza, si autorul acestei carti are canal de youtube despre gradinarit.
Hello :) I bought a book about gardening and it's written by Rachel Darlington, the book is in English, and the author of this book has a youtube channel about gardening.
Hello :) I bought a book about gardening and it's written by Rachel Darlington, the book is in English, and the author of this book has a youtube channel about gardening.
sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017
Magnolia seeds have germinated
Salut in aceasta iarna am primit niste seminte de magnolie de la o persoana Lyn din Irlanda, eu am plantat semintele in primavara si incet incet au inceput a rasari, si ma bucur.
Hello this winter I received some magnolia seeds from a Lyn person in Ireland, and I planted the seeds in the spring and slowly began to rise, and I'm glad.
Hello this winter I received some magnolia seeds from a Lyn person in Ireland, and I planted the seeds in the spring and slowly began to rise, and I'm glad.
vineri, 26 mai 2017
Am primit Paulownia Tomentosa din Romania
Salut ;) cu ceva timp in urma un prieten din Romania mi-a oferit niste arbori de Paulownia Tomentosa, si eu i-am plantat direct in pamant si au crescut foarte frumos si rapid.
Hello;) Some time ago a friend from Romania offered me some Paulownia Tomentosa trees, and I planted them directly in the ground and grew very beautiful and fast.
Hello;) Some time ago a friend from Romania offered me some Paulownia Tomentosa trees, and I planted them directly in the ground and grew very beautiful and fast.
luni, 22 mai 2017
Plantele mele in Mai 2017 | Update
Salut :) Am mutat majoritatea plantelor mele afara ca deja sa incalzit, si aproape toate plantele au cresteri noi, ma bucur ca cresc, vizionare placuta :)
Hello :) I moved most of my plants out, already warmed up, and almost all plants have new growths, I'm glad they grow up, nice watching :)
Hello :) I moved most of my plants out, already warmed up, and almost all plants have new growths, I'm glad they grow up, nice watching :)
sâmbătă, 20 mai 2017
I planted the bananas directly into the ground
Salut :) in sfarsit s-a incalzit timpul si eu am decis sa plantez bananierii mei in pamant direct, sper sa creasca mari si frumosi, dar inainte de a se raci ii voi muta inapoi in ghiveci si in interior.
Hello :) finally was heated, and I decided to plant my banana plants intro the ground, I hope to grow big and beautiful, but before it gets cold I'll move back into pot and inside.
Hello :) finally was heated, and I decided to plant my banana plants intro the ground, I hope to grow big and beautiful, but before it gets cold I'll move back into pot and inside.
miercuri, 17 mai 2017
I planted watermelon and melon in the garden | 2017
Salut, de data aceasta am plantat in gradina Pepene verde si Pepene galben, sper sa creasca frumos si sa dea roada.
Hello, this time I planted in the garden Watermelon and melon, I hope to grow beautiful and bear fruit.
Hello, this time I planted in the garden Watermelon and melon, I hope to grow beautiful and bear fruit.
marți, 9 mai 2017
Violeta Africana inmultita prin frunze are cresteri noi
Salut, in octombrie 2016 am facut un video despre cum sa inmultesti violeta africana prin frunze, si mi-a reusit. au inceput a creste multe frunze noi si sa prins.
Hello, in October 2016 I made a video about how to propagate African violet through the leaves, and succeeded me. They started to grow many new leaves And survived.
Hello, in October 2016 I made a video about how to propagate African violet through the leaves, and succeeded me. They started to grow many new leaves And survived.
sâmbătă, 6 mai 2017
Semintele de cactus de la Lyn au germinat
Salut au germinat semintele de cactus care mi-lea trimis Lyn din irlanda. Ea mi-a trimis vre-o 4 soiuri de seminte de cactus si toate au germinat.
Hello germinated the cactus seeds that Lyn sent me from Ireland. She sent me four varieties of cactus seeds and they all germinated.
Hello germinated the cactus seeds that Lyn sent me from Ireland. She sent me four varieties of cactus seeds and they all germinated.
miercuri, 26 aprilie 2017
Pagube dupa ninsoarea din Aprilie
Salut, va arat cateva pagube dupa ninsoarea la sfarsit de aprilie, in cazul meu s-au rupt cativa copaci, niste salcii si cativa plopi, dar in Chisinau a facut prapad, sper mai departe sa fi tot bine.
Hello, I will show you some damages after the snow in late April, in my case was broke a few trees, some willows and some poplars, but in Chisinau It was a total house, I hope to be all right.
Hello, I will show you some damages after the snow in late April, in my case was broke a few trees, some willows and some poplars, but in Chisinau It was a total house, I hope to be all right.
vineri, 21 aprilie 2017
Planting Magnolia from seed
Salut. In decembrie am primit seminte de Magnolie din Irlanda de la o persoana pe nume Lyn. Semintele au trecut stratificarea si in acest video le plantam pe toate in ghivece. Ma bucur ca cateva seminte au inceput a incolti.
Hello. In December we received Magnolia seeds from Ireland from a person named Lyn. The seeds have passed the stratification and in this video we plant them all in pots. I'm glad some seeds began to sprout.
Hello. In December we received Magnolia seeds from Ireland from a person named Lyn. The seeds have passed the stratification and in this video we plant them all in pots. I'm glad some seeds began to sprout.
joi, 20 aprilie 2017
marți, 11 aprilie 2017
Letter with seeds from Canada from Corina (Fifi Fifi on youtube)
Canalul Corinei :
Salut :) am primit o scrisoare cu seminte de la Corina (fifi fifi pe youtube). Din Canada. niste seminte de ardei Iute (mov) si Hollyhock, rosiu si alb. Multumesc Corina pentru scrisoare si pentru seminte.
Corina's Channel:
Hello :) I got a letter with seeds from Corina (Fifi Fifi on youtube). From Canada. some seeds of pepper (purple) and Hollyhock, red and white. Corina Thank you for the seeds.
Salut :) am primit o scrisoare cu seminte de la Corina (fifi fifi pe youtube). Din Canada. niste seminte de ardei Iute (mov) si Hollyhock, rosiu si alb. Multumesc Corina pentru scrisoare si pentru seminte.
Corina's Channel:
Hello :) I got a letter with seeds from Corina (Fifi Fifi on youtube). From Canada. some seeds of pepper (purple) and Hollyhock, red and white. Corina Thank you for the seeds.
sâmbătă, 8 aprilie 2017
Am cumparat o Orhidee cu flori albe
Salut :) Am cumparat inca o Orhidee, cu flori albe, este a doua mea Orhidee, sper sa se simta bine mai departe in casa mea.
Hello :) I bought another orchid with white flowers, this is my second orchid that I have, I hope that will like my house.
Hello :) I bought another orchid with white flowers, this is my second orchid that I have, I hope that will like my house.
miercuri, 5 aprilie 2017
2000 mii de abonati | Giveaway diferite seminte
Salut, Pe canalul meu s-au adunat peste 2000 de abonati si am decis sa fac un giveaway de diferite seminte, si extragerea o voi face pe live pe 30 aprilie la 18:00 Gmt +2. Va multumesc pentru tot suportul vostru pe canalul meu, pentru toate likeurile si comentariile frumoase.
Hello, My Channel gathered over 2000 subscribers and I decided to do a giveaway of different seeds. I will do extracting live on April 30 at 18:00 Gmt +2 Bucharest timezone. Thank you for all your support on my channel for all likes and your beautiful comments.
Hello, My Channel gathered over 2000 subscribers and I decided to do a giveaway of different seeds. I will do extracting live on April 30 at 18:00 Gmt +2 Bucharest timezone. Thank you for all your support on my channel for all likes and your beautiful comments.
marți, 4 aprilie 2017
Imi mut plantele afara
Salut :) sa incalzit afara si am decis sa imi scot afara plantele exotice. Si cand bate vantul peste frunze face planta mai puternica intr-un fel, deci se vor dezvolta bine afara, ca venit sezonul de cald.
Hello :) warmed out and I decided to take out exotic plants, because outside is brighter. When the wind blows over the leaves make the plant stronger somehow, so it will grow well outside as income warm season.
Hello :) warmed out and I decided to take out exotic plants, because outside is brighter. When the wind blows over the leaves make the plant stronger somehow, so it will grow well outside as income warm season.
vineri, 31 martie 2017
luni, 27 martie 2017
Plantare Bulbi de Canna in gradina
Salut ! In vara 2016 am avut o planta in gradina pe nume Canna, si dupa primul inghet am mutat-o in subsol ca sa nu inghete, iata ca a venit timpul sa o plantam la loc in gradina, aceasta Canna face niste flori rosii foarte frumoase.
Hello ! In summer 2016 I had a plant in the garden named Canna, after the first frost I moved it in the basement to prevent freezing, here it is time to to plant back in the garden, this canna make some red flowers beautiful.
Hello ! In summer 2016 I had a plant in the garden named Canna, after the first frost I moved it in the basement to prevent freezing, here it is time to to plant back in the garden, this canna make some red flowers beautiful.
miercuri, 22 martie 2017
Orhidee in plina Floare
Salut, in acest video va arat o Orhidee in plina Floare, nu este a mea, mi-a placut acest soi.
Hello, this video will show you an Orchid in full bloom, not mine, but I liked this variety.
Hello, this video will show you an Orchid in full bloom, not mine, but I liked this variety.
marți, 21 martie 2017
Plantele mele in Martie 2017 | Update
Salut, in Martie toate plantele mele au cresteri noi, mai au putin si le voi muta afara in curand, din aprilie. Dar nu pe toate. Plantele a crescut frumos in acest episod.
Hello :) In March all my plants have new growths. I will move out soon, in April. But not all. The plants grew nicely in this episode.
Hello :) In March all my plants have new growths. I will move out soon, in April. But not all. The plants grew nicely in this episode.
vineri, 17 martie 2017
Adio Iarna | Baba Dochia
Salut aceasta probabil este ultima ninsoare. Baba Dochia isi scutura cojoacele si a fost un suvoi de ninsoare.
Hello this is probably the last snow. It is a phenomenon of every end of March
Hello this is probably the last snow. It is a phenomenon of every end of March
vineri, 10 martie 2017
Plantam semintele de cactus de la Lyn
Salut. Mai demult am primit niste seminte de cactus de la Lyn din Irlanda , ea si canal de youtube (Desert Plants of Avalon) . Si in acest video am plantat semintele de cactus, sunt vre-o 4 soiuri.
Hello. Some time ago I received some cactus seeds from Lyn from Ireland, she have youtube channel (Desert Plants of Avalon). And in this video I planted the seeds of cactus, are four varieties.
Hello. Some time ago I received some cactus seeds from Lyn from Ireland, she have youtube channel (Desert Plants of Avalon). And in this video I planted the seeds of cactus, are four varieties.
sâmbătă, 4 martie 2017
Retragem protectia de iarna la Rodiu
Salut, astazi am retras protectia de iarna la Rodiu. A fost tot bine cu el si nu a inghetat, deja astept sa faca muguri si da da frunze noi.
Hello, today I removed protection from winter from Pomegranate Tree. It was all well with it and not frozen, already we expect to make buds and new leaves.
marți, 28 februarie 2017
Au Germinat semintele de Cactus Saguaro din Arizona
Salut ;) Au germinat semintele de cactus Saguaro mi le-a daruit Keith din Arizona, Si au germinat in 2 zile. Ma bucur foarte mult.
Hello;) Saguaro cactus seeds have germinated, them gave me Keith from Arizona, And germinate in 2 days. I am very glad.
joi, 23 februarie 2017
Cum sa faci un ghiveci pentru Bonsai din laminat
Salut. Astazi incercam sa facem un ghiveci in forma de Bonsai din resturi de laminat, este foarte simplu, avem nevoie doar de cateva instrumente.
Hello. Today we try to make a bonsai pot in the form of residue laminate. Is very simple, we just need a few tools.
Hello. Today we try to make a bonsai pot in the form of residue laminate. Is very simple, we just need a few tools.
duminică, 29 ianuarie 2017
Plantam seminte de Paulownia Tomentosa
Salut, Cu cateva saptamani in urma am comandat seminte de Paulownia Tomentosa din Serbia de pe Ebay. Au ajuns semintele si in acest video le-am pus in apa la incoltit, sper sa germineze.
Hello, A few weeks ago I ordered Paulownia Tomentosa seeds from Serbia on Ebay. They arrived and in this video we put them in water at sprouted, hope to germinate.
Hello, A few weeks ago I ordered Paulownia Tomentosa seeds from Serbia on Ebay. They arrived and in this video we put them in water at sprouted, hope to germinate.
joi, 26 ianuarie 2017
Muscata a inflorit (Ianuarie 2017)
Salut :) A Inflorit planta pe nume Muscata, florile sunt rosii, si sunt 3 ramuri cu flori. Planta are acolo mult soare si infloreste des.
Hello :) Has bloomed plant called Pelargonium, flowers are red, and there are 3 branches with flowers. The plant has there sun and blooms often.
Hello :) Has bloomed plant called Pelargonium, flowers are red, and there are 3 branches with flowers. The plant has there sun and blooms often.
miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2017
Plantele mele in Ianuarie 2017 | Update
Salut :) Astazi va voi arata colectia mea de plante in Ianuarie 2017. Plantele mele au mai crescut, sunt care infloresc.
Hello :) Today I will show you my collection of plants in January 2017. My plants have grown well, some blooming.
Hello :) Today I will show you my collection of plants in January 2017. My plants have grown well, some blooming.
casa si gradina,
exotic plants,
flori de apartament,
flowering plants,
indoor plants garden,
plante de apartament,
plante tropicale,
tropical plants
luni, 16 ianuarie 2017
Cadre amuzante nereusite - Bloopers
Salut, am Gasit cateva cadre nereusite si cand le-am privit ma umfla rasul, am decis sa impart asta cu voi, e destul de amuzant dupa cadre.
Hello, I found a few Funny Outtakes & Bloopers and when I have looked I started to laugh I decided to share that with you, it's pretty funny after frames.
sâmbătă, 14 ianuarie 2017
Topim zapada apoi udam plantele
Salut. In acest video topim zăpadă apoi vom uda plantele. Apa de zăpadă este foarte bună pentru plante. Deci eu m-am folosit de moment si am topit zăpada. Deasemenea poti mai usor obtine apa de zapada atunci cand e cald afara si se topeste zapada.
Hello. In this video we melt the snow then we water the plants. Snow water is very good for plants. So I was used time and I melted snow. Also you can easily get snow water when it's hot outside and the snow melts.
Hello. In this video we melt the snow then we water the plants. Snow water is very good for plants. So I was used time and I melted snow. Also you can easily get snow water when it's hot outside and the snow melts.
casa si gradina,
exotic plants,
flori de apartament,
flowering plants,
plante de apartament,
Plante exotice,
plante tropicale,
tropical plants
joi, 12 ianuarie 2017
Prima mea Orhidee | Am cumparat Orhideea Phalaenopsis
Salut. Am fost și am cumpărat Orhideea Phalaenopsis, este pentru prima dată cand am Orhidee, Am privit și eu alți youtuberi care au orhidei și mi-a plăcut foarte mult, este o plantă decorativa și e una din cele mai populare.
Hello. I went and bought the Phalaenopsis Orchid, is the first time when I have orchid, I watched other YouTubers who have orchids, and I enjoyed very much, is a decorative plant and is one of the most popular.
Hello. I went and bought the Phalaenopsis Orchid, is the first time when I have orchid, I watched other YouTubers who have orchids, and I enjoyed very much, is a decorative plant and is one of the most popular.
luni, 9 ianuarie 2017
Punem semintele de Bonsai Sakura la Stratificare
Salut, Iarăși fac un experiment, am comandat de pe aliexpress seminte de Bonsai Sakura, și in acest video le-am pus la stratificare pe minim 3 luni, le vom planta in primăvară in ghiveci la soare.
Am cumpărat de aici:
Hello, Again doing an experiment, I ordered on AliExpress Sakura Bonsai seeds, and in this video we put to stratification for minimum 3 months, after we will plant in pots in the spring at sun.
I bought here:
Am cumpărat de aici:
Hello, Again doing an experiment, I ordered on AliExpress Sakura Bonsai seeds, and in this video we put to stratification for minimum 3 months, after we will plant in pots in the spring at sun.
I bought here:
bonsai jaoponez,
Bonsai sakura,
bonsai seeds,
bonsai stratification,
sakura bonsai,
seminte bonsai,
Seminte de bonsai,
stratificarea semintelor
vineri, 6 ianuarie 2017
Ingrasamant natural pentru plante din Cartofi si Morcovi
Salut. Acesta este un experiment. Am fiert cartofi și morcovi și apa nu am aruncat-o, dar ca experiment am udat doi Bananieri, deci vom vedea cum se vor simti bananierii mai departe.
Hello. This is an experiment. I boiled potatoes and carrots and water did not have thrown it, as an experiment I watered two bananas, so we will see how it will feel banans soon.
Hello. This is an experiment. I boiled potatoes and carrots and water did not have thrown it, as an experiment I watered two bananas, so we will see how it will feel banans soon.
luni, 2 ianuarie 2017
La Cactus Opuntia creste ceva nou | Surpriza de anul nou
Salut, După ce a trecut anul nou am obsevat ceva la cactusul Opuntia, crește ceva nou, sau boboci de flori sau ramuri noi, deci ma bucurat. E un fel de surpriză de anul nou.
Hello, After New year I obseved something new at my Opuntia cactus, grows something new. Or flower buds or new shoots, so I was happy. It's kind of a surprise New Year.
Hello, After New year I obseved something new at my Opuntia cactus, grows something new. Or flower buds or new shoots, so I was happy. It's kind of a surprise New Year.
blooming cactus,
cactus buds,
cactus flower plant,
cactus growing,
Cactus Opuntia,
despre cactusi,
flori de cactus,
flowering cactus,
ingrijire cactus,
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