vineri, 26 mai 2017

Am primit Paulownia Tomentosa din Romania

Salut ;) cu ceva timp in urma un prieten din Romania mi-a oferit niste arbori de Paulownia Tomentosa, si eu i-am plantat direct in pamant si au crescut foarte frumos si rapid.

Hello;) Some time ago a friend from Romania offered me some Paulownia Tomentosa trees, and I planted them directly in the ground and grew very beautiful and fast.

luni, 22 mai 2017

Plantele mele in Mai 2017 | Update

Salut :) Am mutat majoritatea plantelor mele afara ca deja sa incalzit, si aproape toate plantele au cresteri noi, ma bucur ca cresc, vizionare placuta :)

Hello :) I moved most of my plants out, already warmed up, and almost all plants have new growths, I'm glad they grow up, nice watching :)

sâmbătă, 20 mai 2017

I planted the bananas directly into the ground

Salut :) in sfarsit s-a incalzit timpul si eu am decis sa plantez bananierii mei in pamant direct, sper sa creasca mari si frumosi, dar inainte de a se raci ii voi muta inapoi in ghiveci si in interior.

Hello :) finally was heated, and I decided to plant my banana plants intro the ground, I hope to grow big  and beautiful, but before it gets cold I'll move back into pot and inside.

miercuri, 17 mai 2017

I planted watermelon and melon in the garden | 2017

Salut, de data aceasta am plantat in gradina Pepene verde si Pepene galben, sper sa creasca frumos si sa dea roada.

Hello, this time I planted in the garden Watermelon and melon, I hope to grow beautiful and bear fruit.

marți, 9 mai 2017

Violeta Africana inmultita prin frunze are cresteri noi

Salut, in octombrie 2016 am facut un video despre cum sa inmultesti violeta africana prin frunze, si mi-a reusit. au inceput a creste multe frunze noi si sa prins.

Hello, in October 2016 I made a video about how to propagate African violet through the leaves, and succeeded me. They started to grow many new leaves And survived.

sâmbătă, 6 mai 2017

Semintele de cactus de la Lyn au germinat

Salut au germinat semintele de cactus care mi-lea trimis Lyn din irlanda. Ea mi-a trimis vre-o 4 soiuri de seminte de cactus si toate au germinat.

Hello germinated the cactus seeds that Lyn sent me from Ireland. She sent me four varieties of cactus seeds and they all germinated.