miercuri, 28 iunie 2017

Am cumparat un Bananier Musa Basjoo de la Nemti

Am cumparat un bananier nou, colectia mea de bananieri se largeste., Si am comandat acest bananier de pe ebay  din Germania. Si a venit foarte repede in conditii bune.

I bought a new banana plant, my banana collection is expanding, and I ordered this banana from ebay from Germany. And it came very quickly in good conditions.

duminică, 18 iunie 2017

Repotting Magnolias from seed

Salut :) Iata ca a venit timpul sa replantam Magnoliile care le-am obtinut din seminte, sunt undeva 10 magnolii germinate si au crescut putin, si le replantam in ghivece putin mai mari.

Hello :) it's time to replant the Magnolias that I have grown from the seed, there are some 10 germinating magnolias and they grow a little, and we replant them in some bigger pots.

joi, 15 iunie 2017

Plantare Strelitia -Pasarea Paradisului din seminte

Salut, am descoperit o planta foarte interesata se numeste Strelitia, la frunze asemanatoare cu bananierii si este foarte frumoasa, floarea are forma unei pasari. Sper sa germineze semintele pe care le-am plantat.

Hello, I discovered a very interested plant is called Strelitzia :)  on leaves is similar to banana plants and is very beautiful, the flower has the shape of a bird. I hope to germinate seeds that we planted.

luni, 12 iunie 2017

I bought a book: Journal of an Irish Garden

Salut :) Am cumparat o carte despre gradinarit si este scrisa de Rachel Darlington, cartea este in engleza, si autorul acestei carti are canal de youtube despre gradinarit.

Hello :) I bought a book about gardening and it's written by Rachel Darlington, the book is in English, and the author of this book has a  youtube channel about gardening.

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017

Magnolia seeds have germinated

Salut in aceasta iarna am primit niste seminte de magnolie de la o persoana Lyn din Irlanda, eu am plantat  semintele in primavara si incet incet au inceput a rasari, si ma bucur.

Hello this winter I received some magnolia seeds from a Lyn person in Ireland, and I planted the seeds in the spring and slowly began to rise, and I'm glad.