Hello :) I decided to plant Paulownia tomentosa trees directly in the ground, trees are grown from seed, hope to develop well intro the ground.
luni, 31 iulie 2017
Am plantat Paulownia Tomentosa in pamant direct
Salut :) Am decis sa plantez arborii de Paulownia Tomentosa in pamant direct, arborii sunt crescuti din seminte, sper sa se dezvolte bine in pamant direct.
Hello :) I decided to plant Paulownia tomentosa trees directly in the ground, trees are grown from seed, hope to develop well intro the ground.
Hello :) I decided to plant Paulownia tomentosa trees directly in the ground, trees are grown from seed, hope to develop well intro the ground.
joi, 20 iulie 2017
Facem dulceata de coacaze si Agresi
Salut. In acest video facem o dulceata din Coacaza si Agresi pentru iarna, sper sa nu buhneasca nici un borcan, La iarna dulceata va fi buna si foarte sanatoasa.
Hello. In this video we make a currant jam for the winter. I hope will not jumping any cap. In the winter, the sweet will be good and very healthy.
Hello. In this video we make a currant jam for the winter. I hope will not jumping any cap. In the winter, the sweet will be good and very healthy.
duminică, 9 iulie 2017
Experimentul cu Avocado continua | Plantarea in ghiveci
Salut :) Ceva timp in urma am pus in apa un sambure de avocado, si am avut rabdare sa astep pana a facut radacini si a inceput a creste, si in acest video il plantez intr-un ghiveci.
Hello :) Some time ago I put an avocado stick in the water, and I had the patience to wait until it made roots and started to grow, and in this video I plant it in a pot.
Hello :) Some time ago I put an avocado stick in the water, and I had the patience to wait until it made roots and started to grow, and in this video I plant it in a pot.
Am cumparat un Bananaier Musa Nagensium
Salut. Eu am mai cumparat inca un soi de bananier, la moment am deja 6 soiuri de bananieri si ii adun la colectia mea pentru ca imi place aceste plante cu frunzele late, sunt foarte frumosi toti. Si acesta se numeste Musa Nagensium.
Hello. I bought another kind of banana plant, at the moment I have already six varieties of banana plant and I collect themthem in my collection because I love these plants with wide leaves are all very beautiful. And this is called Musa Nagensium.
Hello. I bought another kind of banana plant, at the moment I have already six varieties of banana plant and I collect themthem in my collection because I love these plants with wide leaves are all very beautiful. And this is called Musa Nagensium.
luni, 3 iulie 2017
Kiwi si-a revenit
Salut. Si-a revenit Kiwi care l-am plantat din seminte in 2016. nu a avut cresteri noi mai mult de jumate de an, si eu credeam ca se uscase, dar in pana la urma si-a revenit. Si acum arata foarte sanatos si frumos.
Hello. Kiwi came back and I planted the seeds in 2016. We did not have new growths for more than half a year, and I thought it was dying. But eventually it recovered. And now looks very healthy and beautiful.
Hello. Kiwi came back and I planted the seeds in 2016. We did not have new growths for more than half a year, and I thought it was dying. But eventually it recovered. And now looks very healthy and beautiful.
duminică, 2 iulie 2017
My Grafted lemon tree in bloom
Salut. Am un lamai altoit care l-am cumparat in iunie 2012 si infloreste in fiecare an, si am decis sa fac un filmulet sa va arat cum arata florile, sper sa faca fruct. Acesta este un hibrid si este numit Limonella
Hello. I have a grafted lemon that I bought in June 2012 and blooms every year, and I decided to make a movie to show you how the flowers look, I hope to make fruit. This is a hybrid and is called Limonella.
Hello. I have a grafted lemon that I bought in June 2012 and blooms every year, and I decided to make a movie to show you how the flowers look, I hope to make fruit. This is a hybrid and is called Limonella.
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