Salut. Am ceva timp de cand am cumparat o planta pe nume Hoya, daca nu gresesc. Si planta a mai crescut si are boboci de flori rosii. eu am decis sa o replantez intr-un ghiveci frumos, si vom vedea cum va creste mai departe.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
joi, 21 septembrie 2017
Replantare Hoya
Salut. Am ceva timp de cand am cumparat o planta pe nume Hoya, daca nu gresesc. Si planta a mai crescut si are boboci de flori rosii. eu am decis sa o replantez intr-un ghiveci frumos, si vom vedea cum va creste mai departe.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
Hello. I have some time when I bought a plant called Hoya, if I'm not mistaken.. And the plant grew and has the red flower buds. I decided to reppot it in a beautiful pot, and we will see how it will grow further.
marți, 19 septembrie 2017
Physalis crescut din seminte
Salut. Astazi va voi arata o planta Physalis care am crescut-o din seminte, am plantat semintele la inceput de aprilie in 2017. In perioada verii a crescut foarte bine.
Hello. Today I will show you a Physalis plant that I grown from seed, planted the seeds at the beginning of April in 2017. During the summer it grew very well.
Hello. Today I will show you a Physalis plant that I grown from seed, planted the seeds at the beginning of April in 2017. During the summer it grew very well.
duminică, 17 septembrie 2017
Flori frumoase care cresc in natura - Explorez Natura
Salut. Mai exploram putin natura si cautam flori care cresc in natura. am gasit niste flori foarte frumoase, poate ca sunt utilizate in medicina, insa sunt foarte frumoase dupa parerea mea, si am decis sa fac o serie de acest gen de video, puneti like la video si vom continua explorarea.
Hello. We explore nature a little and we are looking for flowers that grow in nature. I found some beautiful flowers, maybe they are used in medicine, but they are very beautiful in my opinion, and I decided to make a series of this kind of video, give like to video and we will continue exploring.
Hello. We explore nature a little and we are looking for flowers that grow in nature. I found some beautiful flowers, maybe they are used in medicine, but they are very beautiful in my opinion, and I decided to make a series of this kind of video, give like to video and we will continue exploring.
luni, 4 septembrie 2017
Bananierii cumparati de pe Ebay s-au prins si cresc
Salut. Bananierii pe care i-am cumparat de pe ebay au cresteri noi. Atunci am comandat din Germania, am comandat Musa Basjoo si Musa Nagensium. Si s-au prins si au inceput a creste frumos.
Hello. The banana plants that I bought from ebay have new growths. Then I ordered from Germany, ordered Musa Basjoo and Musa Nagensium. And they survived and started to grow nicely.
Hello. The banana plants that I bought from ebay have new growths. Then I ordered from Germany, ordered Musa Basjoo and Musa Nagensium. And they survived and started to grow nicely.
duminică, 3 septembrie 2017
Rosie de 3 metri inaltime | A spart acoperisul serei
Salut. Un rasad de rosie a crescut intr-atat ca a spart acoperisul serei, si a crescut cam 3 metri dupa parerea mea. Sunt aici intr-o sera de rosii.
Hello. A tomato plant was grow so much that it broke the roof of the greenhouse, and it grew about three meters in my opinion. I'm here in a tomato greenhouse.
Hello. A tomato plant was grow so much that it broke the roof of the greenhouse, and it grew about three meters in my opinion. I'm here in a tomato greenhouse.
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