Salut, iata ca a sosit si 2018, La multi Ani!! Sa fiti sanatosi, multe realizari si tot ce puneti in plan sa va indeplineasca, multumesc mult pentru suportul acordat pe canalul meu in 2017, pentru mine 2017 a fost un an bun. Anul nou si pace in casele voastre si in familiile voastre, numi bine.
duminică, 31 decembrie 2017
vineri, 29 decembrie 2017
Placă de încălzire pentru germinarea semintelor
Salut, am comandat o Placă de încălzire de pe aliexpress care ajuta la germinarea semitelor, placa se incalzeste si in asa fel semintele germineaza si cresc mai repede. Si sunt bucuros ca functioneaza.
miercuri, 20 decembrie 2017
Am impodobit Banaierii , Orhideea si alte plante
Salut, :) Mi-a venit o idee spontana sa impodobesc bananierii, orhideele, si alte plante care le cresc, si mi-a esit destul de frumos, toata lumea ca de obicei impodobeste bradul de sarbatori dar eu am impodobit bananierii :D Dar oricum sa ai un brad de craciun tot e foarte bine dar sa nu fie artificial, apreciez cand miroase a brad in casa. Sarbatori fericite si Vizionare placuta.
duminică, 17 decembrie 2017
KIWI - Un nou inceput | Plantarea semintelor
Salut, iarasi am decis sa plantez kiwi din seminte, doresc sa fac un experiment si sa cultiv kiwi direct in pamant, si am cumparat niste fructe, am extras semintele si le-am pus la germinat, sper sa germineze. Daca vor germina voi face un video update, vizionare placuta.
sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017
Gicu planteaza Mango - Cum sa plantezi mango din sambure
Salut, am decis sa plantez mango din samanta, multi dintre voi mi-ati sugerat sa fac un video cum sa plantez mango din seminte, si iata ca am cumparat un mango, am scos foarte atent coaja de protectie si l-am plantat intr-un recipient pe un servetel, am umezit putin servetelul. Sper sa ii mearga bine mai departe. voi filma update.
Hello, I decided to plant mango from the seed, many of you suggested me to make a video about how to plant mango from seeds, and here I bought a mango, I carefully removed the bark and planted it. in a container on a napkin, I moistened the napkin a little. I hope he will go well for them. I will be filming the update.
Hello, I decided to plant mango from the seed, many of you suggested me to make a video about how to plant mango from seeds, and here I bought a mango, I carefully removed the bark and planted it. in a container on a napkin, I moistened the napkin a little. I hope he will go well for them. I will be filming the update.
miercuri, 13 decembrie 2017
Bananierii mei in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut, azi am sa va arat colectia mea de bananieri in decembrie 2017, in aceasta perioada a anului nu au crescut mult, dar oricum sunt unele soiuri care cresc chiar daca e mai rece putin, la moment am 7 varietati, ultimul soi obtinut este Musa Velutina, si am reusit sa fac sa germineze, se pare ca semintele erau bune. Vizionare placuta.
Hello, today I will show you my banana collection in December 2017, during this time of the year have not grown much, but anyway there are some varieties that grow even if it is colder little, at the moment I have 7 varieties, the last variety is Musa Velutina , and I managed to germinate, it seems that the seeds were good. Enjoy.
Hello, today I will show you my banana collection in December 2017, during this time of the year have not grown much, but anyway there are some varieties that grow even if it is colder little, at the moment I have 7 varieties, the last variety is Musa Velutina , and I managed to germinate, it seems that the seeds were good. Enjoy.
marți, 12 decembrie 2017
Plantele mele in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut :) Deja suntem in Decembrie 2017, si plantele mele se simt foarte bine in aceasta perioada a anului, si serialul plantele mele continua, am sa va arat cum s-au dezvoltat toate plantele mele, De crescut nu au crescut mult dar sunt unele cu flori interesante si da... Deasemenea astazi este o zi speciala pentru ca am implinit 3 ani de Youtube si va multumesc la toti pentru suport. 12 decembrie ziua canalului meu :) Vizionare placuta.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Plantele mele in Decembrie 2017 | Update
Salut :) Deja suntem in Decembrie 2017, si plantele mele se simt foarte bine in aceasta perioada a anului, si serialul plantele mele continua, am sa va arat cum s-au dezvoltat toate plantele mele, De crescut nu au crescut mult dar sunt unele cu flori interesante si da... Deasemenea astazi este o zi speciala pentru ca am implinit 3 ani de Youtube si va multumesc la toti pentru suport. 12 decembrie ziua canalului meu :) Vizionare placuta.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
Hello :) We are already in December 2017, and my plants feel very good at this time of the year, and the series my plants continue, I will show you how all my plants have grown, Increased did not grow much but there are some with interesting flowers and yes ... Also today is a special day because I have completed 3 years on Youtube and thank you all for support. December 12th it is the day I created my channel :) Enjoy watching.
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