Salut :) Aproape toate plantele mele au inceput a crește pentru că e cald în casă și au eșit din hibernare. Decembrie este o lună pozitivă in toate domeniile. Imi place cum s-au pornit la crescut toate, dar aș spune că prea devreme au ieșit din hibernare, mai au nevoie de odihna dar nu au încotro.
Hello :) Almost all my plants started to grow because it's hot in the house and were awakened from hibernation. December is a positive month in all areas. I like how they set grew up all, but I'd say they came out of hibernation too early, still need rest but have no choice.
Hello :) Almost all my plants started to grow because it's hot in the house and were awakened from hibernation. December is a positive month in all areas. I like how they set grew up all, but I'd say they came out of hibernation too early, still need rest but have no choice.
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